2025 Personal Focus Areas

My key learning from recent years has been the power of focus rather than broad diversification. After some reflection, I’ve moved away from the OKR framework in favor of defining targeted focus areas for growth. I also came up with a personal mission statement that captures my core drive. While this remains open to change, it encapsulates what pushes me forward each day. It currently stands at:

‘To inspire others and myself by challenging the status quo and create new useful things.’ This isn’t something to complete or check off – it’s a compass that I intend to use to guide my decisions and keep me focused during challenging times. This blog is one such attempt towards the mission statement.

While OKRs are valuable, I found they often led to diluted effort across too many goals. For 2025, I’m concentrating on specific high-impact areas:

  1. Learning macro trends and technical analysis for investing : Forget technical analysis, most of us are not taught even the basics of how to grow our wealth. Schools and universities do a terrible job at it. While index investing serves as a good foundation for many, I’ve met investors who have deeper market insights and often achieve superior returns. This involves understanding macroeconomic relationships – how interest rate decisions influence market behavior, the interplay between traditional and digital assets, and identifying sectors positioned for outperformance.

    Not only do I want to get good at it, I also want to go much deeper into reading blue and green candles and optimize entry and exit points in trades. You can grow your wealth twice if the price of an asset hits the same price after a certain duration. Building conviction and having the courage to take the trade are the hardest part. I’m not suggesting getting into leverage trading, but to explore ways to grow your wealth much faster than index investing. The question is how many of us are willing to go deeper into it and become self reliant faster. Edited version of sir Peter Thiel’s quote “ If you want to gain financial freedom by 40, why can’t you do it in the next one year?” While this approach carries higher risks than passive investing, I believe the potential for learning new skills and financial growth outweighs the comfort of staying on the sidelines.

    One simple example related to this is just holding dollars instead of Rs. You can grow your wealth by 5% every year by just holding dollars due to Re. depreciation. The answer is either US stocks or Stablecoins.

  2. Building Compelling Narratives and Storytelling : Narratives and memes run the World. Some have the power to shape our world and move people to action. From Musk ser’s vision of making humanity multi-planetary to Steve Jobs calling computers as ‘bicycles for the mind,’ to the most influential songs of this and the past centuries, we use storytelling to inspire collective progress. These aren’t just taglines – they’re powerful statements that align people toward ambitious goals that extend beyond individuals. Most missions are unattainable, but still they tap into our fundamental nature as emotional beings. Great leaders are amazing at this skill and I want to spend enough time on this axis in 2025.

  3. Building Products using AI : Not being able to code isn’t an excuse anymore for not shipping products. In 2025, my focus will be on practical application – shipping mobile apps using AI tools rather than getting caught up in theoretical discussions. I’ll be prioritizing tangible outcomes over perfect processes, using AI as an enabler for shipping products.

  1. Becoming Better at FIFA : Purchasing a PS5 marked a meaningful return to gaming after an eight-year gaming pause since college. During my college days, I consistently ranked among the top three players in local FIFA tournaments. While my skills have declined over the years – currently reflected in my online friendly matches – I want to get back to old levels. My goal will be to achieve a 95% win rate in online friendlies.

  2. Finally, I aim to return to the accountability and mindset levels I achieved in 2021. Growth comes from embracing every setback as an opportunity to improve. At its core, mindset is the fundamental driver of daily progress and continuous improvement.

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